Thank you Tanglewood Nature Center for sharing some of your animals with us today. We had so much fun learning about owls, ferrets, quails and turtles.
Open Softball is cancelled for tonight due to weather. Sorry for the last minute cancellation, but the weather switched quickly.
Summer fun BCS style...
The summer program was rocking today thanks to the help of Doc Possum. Eat your heart out Swifties.
Cancellation: Open Softball and Soccer are both cancelled for this evening due to incoming storms.
Also, if you are a 7th-12th grader, or guardian of one, and have not already completed both the Guardian forms and Student forms on Final Forms please do that now!
Now Hiring
Open Soccer Update for Tonight
Dundee-Bradford Summer Athletic Opportunities for incoming 7th-12th graders.
Have fun and be safe everyone!
How is your summer reading going? More books are headed your way!
A Kids Read Now Discovery sheet is included with every book delivered. The Discovery sheet has reading activities for families to use to improve reading comprehension.
Just a reminder that the Graduation Ceremony will be taking place at 5pm tomorrow! We look forward to celebrating all of our graduates!
Download the Kids Read Now App Today! Use the QR code or search Kids Read Now in your App Store.
Congratulations to all of our elementary award recipients. We are so proud of your hard work and achievement this school year!
Some of our youngest and brightest students graduated from Prekindergarten and Kindergarten today.
Our elementary students figured out a way to stay cool on Friday. Summer vibes were felt throughout BCS!
Our valedictorian and salutatorian were back at it again last night at Southern Tier Scholars Banquet, being honored for their tremendous academic achievement and commitment to their studies.
BCS has partnered with Kids Read Now to bring fabulous books to our students this summer, preventing learning loss and fostering a love of reading outside of the classroom. Teachers and students in PreK-5th grade have already selected 8 books that each student will receive over the course of the summer. Informational packets and the first book will be available to pick up at our Elementary Awards Assembly on Tuesday, June 25th at 9 am. Pre-K and Kindergarten students will receive their packets at their graduation ceremonies on Monday, June 24th.
The BCS Yearbook Assembly gave us a glimpse into the future and of all the amazing accomplishments in store for the Class of 2024! Congratulations Mrs. Durham on having the yearbook dedicated in your honor.